Liberty Acres
Animal Haven & Equine Rescue
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USDA Certificate No. 55-C-032
Wildlife Resource Commission WRC #10205240
726-Captivity License for Wildlife Rehabilitation
728-Captivity License for Wildlife Holding
General Admission
Saturday & Sunday 10am - 3pm (Last entry 2pm)
$15 each, under 2 free
No Appointment Necessary
By appointment only
Book online or call/text to schedule
Mountain Coatimundis
SCIENTIFIC NAME: Nasuella olivacea
TYPE: Mammal
DIET: Omnivores, fruits, berries, insects,
birds, eggs, lizards, snakes, mice, squirrels
HEAD & BODY LENGTH: 14 to 15.4 inches
TAIL LENGTH: 7.9 to 9.4 inches
WEIGHT: 3 pounds
1. Coatis are diurnal animals. Coatis are primarily active during the day, foraging for food and socializing. They prefer to rest and sleep in tree branches or dense vegetation.
2. Coatis exhibit a behavior known as "mobbing". When faced with a potential threat, coatis will group together and confront the predator, making loud vocalizations and displaying aggressive posturing.
3. Coatis are agile and can jump between tree branches.
With their slender bodies and sharp claws, coatis are skilled at moving through the treetops, effortlessly leaping from branch to branch.
4. Coatis are excellent foragers. Their long snout and sharp teeth allow them to probe rotting logs and dig into the ground in search of insects and other invertebrates.
5. Coatis are known to raid human campsites. These curious and opportunistic animals are often attracted to human campsites and can be a nuisance if food is left unattended. It is important to secure food and trash to avoid any conflicts.
6. Coatis communicate through vocalizations and scent marking. They use a variety of vocalizations, including chirps, grunts, and alarm calls, to communicate within their band. Coatis also mark their territories and communicate through scent glands located on their feet and rump.
7. The coati, also known as the coatimundi, can be found in a variety of habitats, including forests, grasslands, and mountains.
8. Coatis are known for their distinctive appearance, with long snouts, slender bodies, and long, bushy tails. They have a striking coat of fur that ranges in color from brown to reddish-brown, with distinctive facial markings that add to their charm.
9. Coatis belong to the raccoon family. Coatis are small to medium-sized mammals that are part of the Procyonidae family, which also includes raccoons and kinkajous. They share similar physical characteristics and behaviors with their raccoon relatives.
10. Coatis are highly social animals. Coatis are known for their gregarious nature and live in groups called bands. These bands can consist of up to 30 coatis, mainly made up of females and their young, with one or a few dominant males.
11. Coatis have a prehensile tail. Their long, muscular tail serves multiple purposes. It helps them maintain balance while climbing trees and acts as a tool for communication within the band.
12. Coatis are omnivorous. These opportunistic eaters have a varied diet that includes fruits, insects, small vertebrates, nuts, and eggs. Their ability to adapt their diet to their environment allows them to thrive in different habitats.
13. Coatis have sharp claws. Their sharp claws are essential for climbing trees and digging for food. Coatis are skilled climbers and spend a significant amount of time in the treetops. Coatis use their long claws to dig holes or tear apart rotting logs.
14. Coatis are excellent swimmers. They are adept at swimming and often cross rivers and streams in search of food or to move between their habitats. Their ability to swim also serves as a means of avoiding predators.
15. Coatis feed by using their long noses, poking them under rocks and into crevices.
16. Coatis are often seen in large groups. When surprised, the entire group will leap into the trees while emitting clicks and "woofs."
17. These animals are diurnal, sleeping in treetop leaves and branches during the night. They spend most of day in search of food, grooming, and resting.
18. The species is very social, living in bands of up to 30 (although 12 is more typical), which are usually related females and their young, Adult males are typically solitary.
19. Coatis walk with their ringed tails held high. When climbing, their tail is used for balance.
20. Their ankles are double jointed and extremely flexible, enabling the animal to descend trees headfirst.